Sven Mimus, Managing Director of ENO
Sven Mimus


“The ENO will play a key role in structural change. We support the municipalities in implementing their ideas and we want to encourage both scientific institutions and private individuals to contribute innovative ideas. Our goal is to develop a regional culture of innovation as a core competency.”


The structural change working group in the district of Görlitz has started its work. Since May 2021, ten new ENO employees have been actively supporting communities and citizens who want to start their own companies as well as investors in developing, applying for and also implementing project ideas. "Healthcare", "Sustainability and Green Technologies", "Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport", "Research, Development and Technological Specialization" and "Tourism, Culture and Living Environment" were identified as strategic fields of action for the district of Görlitz.

The regional structural change is the starting point for the necessary ecological, economic and social transformation processes. The municipal team, which supports the communities and the innovation team, which advises innovative citizens with business ideas, entrepreneurs and investors will make the development of the district tangible for everyone.

With interesting formats, workshops and conferences (everything also online), but also in direct dialogue, the citizens of the district of Görlitz should contribute their ideas for the regional innovation process from October. (Register here to be informed about all developments and events )

Ideas are bundled, projects are developed and processes are set in motion in three main areas.

municipal team
  • Needs-based support for communities
  • Assistance in developing and applying for project ideas
  • Bundling ideas, creating synergies, examining feasibility
  • Classification of the project in the overall context
  • On request, support during the implementation phase
innovation team
  • Development of the ability to innovate into a regional core competence and creation of a regional culture of innovation
  • Transformation of innovative ideas into well-founded project proposals and concrete measures
  • Participation of a wide range of actors: from individuals and private individuals to SMEs to the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and scientific institutes
  • Delivery of project ideas in direct exchange with the actors involved
  • Development of globally marketable products and business models
assistance team
  • Administrative and media support for Department III of the district administration
  • Controlling to monitor the available budgets in close coordination with the municipal and innovation team
  • Setting the course and monitoring the actions of the task force
  • Public relations work to support the work of the task force in the media
  • Increasing the transparency of the processes of structural change towards the population
  • Documentation of projects to be implemented



Priority 1:
  • Strengthening and development of the competitiveness of companies
  • Innovation, research, science to build sustainable value chains
  • Stabilization of existing companies
  • Realize business settlements
  • Development of business-related infrastructure
  • Securing skilled workers
Priority 2:
  • Develop the Lausitz/Łužica/Łužyca brand
Priority 3:
  • Strengthening and development of quality of life
  • culture and art
  • social infrastructure
  • tourism
  • environmental and nature protection
  • Sports



Cities and municipalities are supported in the implementation of structural change projects by a network of district administration, development company Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbH and area company district Görlitz mbH.

structural change 2


The district of Görlitz has defined five priority areas for strategic development.
All projects that are implemented as part of the structural change are based on these core areas.

2020 ENO project pyramids pie chart201124

Sustainability and green technologies

The symbiosis of economic cycles, environmental protection, social commitment and innovative research fields is of great importance for future developments.
To do this, it is important to bring committed people together and inspire regional players in business,
research and administration to take new paths and build up a network of experts. Existing infrastructure and existing know-how, for example in the areas of rail vehicle construction and glass production, receive intensive development impulses through the consistent focus on this core topic.

healthcare economy

The aim is to develop a European model region for science and business in the healthcare sector. The development of a research axis from Zittau via Görlitz and Weißwasser/OL to Cottbus places the health sciences as a central focus of structural change in Lusatia. Science and research institutions in the district of Görlitz are jointly developing new interdisciplinary concepts and solutions that include all areas of life, from building and mobility to maintaining a self-determined everyday life.

Infrastructure, mobility and transport

Implementation of area development projects for the ecologically sustainable development of commercial properties and areas that are as self-sufficient as possible through the use of modern infrastructure in the area of ​​supply and disposal and promotion of the development of a sustainable economic structure in the district.
Establishment of a municipal area development company for the development of necessary area potential and for the active support of settlement projects. Development and implementation of sustainable mobility solutions in rural areas.

Research, development and technological specialization

Intensive involvement of the district's research institutions as innovative think tanks that provide impulses for sustainable development in close cooperation with municipalities and business. Bundling of existing key competences and development of the ability to innovate into a regional core competence. Development of a district-wide culture of innovation to create promising jobs and sustainable value chains.

Tourism, culture and living environment

Culture is more than just a soft location factor. A vibrant cultural life brings people together and transcends borders. In a balance between tradition and modernity, it is important to promote cultural diversity, including the Sorbian minority. The tourism cooperation of the district markets the district as "landscapes without borders" according to the jointly fixed thematic priorities and premium products with the aim of turning visitors into residents. A prerequisite for a positive attitude towards life is a functioning municipal and tourist infrastructure as key elements of services of general interest.

The topics of sustainability, education and digitization play an important role in all core areas. Therefore, these fields of action are of comprehensive importance. The Unpayableland brand sees itself as a unifying umbrella brand that conveys “good stories” about current developments to the outside world and promotes the district’s image both internally and externally.


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+49 3581 329010

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